Look at you glow

Believe it or not, clear, healthy, glowing skin can be achieved and maintained without prescription drugs. Medications often provide only a band-aid solution and aren’t always the best option for long-term results. I can help you achieve healthy, glowing skin through through my Integrative Acne Program. My acne program addresses the root causes and triggers of (inflammation, microbiome issues, nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalance) with professional skin care products, treatments and lifestyle and nutrition coaching.

This program is for you if:

  • You have mild or moderate persistent acne.

  • You have sensitive skin (or any skin “type”)

  • You feel like you’ve tried everything for your acne.

  • You are willing to make changes to your daily skincare routine

  • You are ready to make changes to your diet and lifestyle.

All of the treatments will include a thorough skin analysis, cleansing, exfoliation and calming/hydrating mask. Extractions, anti-bacterial treatments and LED Therapy may also be incorporated where appropriate at no additional charge.

Treatments will vary based on what the skin needs at the time of the treatment. Sometimes the skin will need more hydration, other times it will need more anti-bacterial action. We will analyze the skin at the beginning of each treatment to assess what will serve your skin best!

Customized Treatments

At home skincare and treatments are a 80/20 relationship. 80% of success in clearing acne lies in your home!

In this program we will guide you through what products we believe will benefit you the most. At your first treatment you will be prescribed a homecare regimen to start with, and at every treatment following we will reevaluate and determine if something needs to be changed or added.

The goal is to heal your skin without irritating or dehydrating it.

Integrative Acne Program participants receive a 15% discount on pro skincare

Professional Skincare Guidance

In my experience foods we put in our bodies can have a direct affect on our skin.

Clients will learn nutritional and lifestyle factors that can contribute to acne and influence the health your skin and your microbiome.

Nutritional Education

Initial Evaluation

Includes in-depth consultation on skin health history, skin condition, nutritional and lifestyle factors and development of a customized treatment plan for mild or moderate persistent acne. 30 Min $49

Bi-Monthly Custom Treatments

Includes skin analysis, cleansing, customized exfoliation and calming/hydrating treatment. Extractions, anti-bacterial treatments and LED therapy may also be incorporated where appropriate. A treatment is recommended every 2 weeks until desired results are acheived. Your esthetician will go over your treatment plan progress at each appointment. 30-45 Min $75 (Acne Program Initial Evaluation is required prior to custom treatments)

Initial Product Set

This varies based on your individual treatment plan. Most clients initial product cost is $150-$175
Your initial set of products will last several months and program participants receive a 15% discount on professional skincare products.

Lets heal & glow!